Monthly Archives: August 2012

Life Hobbies: Magic Tricks

My introduction to magic The first trick I remember seeing was a little wierd. My grandpa, Papa, used to take my brother and I to Waffle House. While there, he would casually hold a knife in his hand, facing up, then act like he fell asleep… ON TO THE KNIFE! White liquid would spill out… Read the rest »

A new series on my life hobbies

I am starting a series on the things that have interested me over the course of my life. I enjoy trying new things. New gadgets, new ideas, new hobbies. I don’t stick it out with all of them, but often, some aspect of them stays with me and benefits me later in life. One of… Read the rest »


Business idea: ————- Babybird – organically masticated food for your child. ————- I bet some crazy new age parents would pay bookoos for this.