Posts By: Ben

The Twitch

A few times a year my lower eyelid starts to twitch. It is annoying, but not painful in any way. It is happening now and I looked up the different reasons it can occur: Computer eye strain Caffeine Alcohol Tiredness Stress Yup, yup, yeah, uh huh, right. All of the above. Boozy wedding party in… Read the rest »

I got a robot to clean my floors

Mandy and I are notoriously bad about sweeping up our floors. Our dog sheds like crazy and this leads to little dustbunnies building up in all of the corners. We had resigned ourselves to living with it until I started seriously looking at Roomba robots.  The newest versions have rubber rollers that do not allow… Read the rest »

Self Selected News

I am starting to feel a problem, exacerbated by the election coverage, and I don’t know the solution… Unless you live in a state controlled society, you probably get news from self selected sources. TV, Twitter, blogs, Facebook — you choose the channel, source and content. This self selection leads towards a self-enforcing bias. How… Read the rest »

Cheese. Wonderful Cheese.

Have you ever sat down to an appetizer plate of good cheese and found that you completely ignored the rest of the room until all the delicious morsels had been disposed of? If so, you might be interested in some of the below: Everything Niki Achitoff-Gray says in this article I agree with. If you like… Read the rest »

We built a Yurt

Over the past few weeks Mandy and I have been getting the land ready for a yurt. Over the New Years Holiday, some friends came up and helped us make it a reality! We had the framing for the platform done when we started, but it still took 3 days of solid hard work with… Read the rest »

The Egg Nog Review

Egg Nog, a drink now sold by every creamery in America from November to December, has a long and storied past. It is responsible for riots, was drank by English aristocracy, and was even used to fortify travelers before setting off. The American travelers, before they pursued their journey, took a hearty draught each, according to… Read the rest »

It’s an Automotive Future

Some 12,000 hours ago Elon Musk announced that his company, Tesla, would
“not initiate patent lawsuits against anyone who, in good faith, must use our technology.”
Public interest in Tesla spiked, but not actually in electric cars in general. The Nissan Leaf and the Chevy Volt have not found widespread adoption. Charging stations are still the exception, not the rule.

The importance of gatherings

Last weekend we held the third occurrence of “The Great Waffle Off.” Over 30 people showed up to our house for an afternoon of waffle goodness with baking, drinks, a backyard fire and plenty of post-waffle-coma conversations.     We also host regular “Bonfire Movie Night Potlucks,” featuring trilogies and classic cult movies like Star… Read the rest »

The lure of adventure

It is like the National Park Service has a little fairy telling them “You know what… Ben is a little disillusioned with the way things are right now. I bet you can get him if you send the following email:”