The power of distance

Often, when pressured to finish something quickly, with the client looking over my shoulder, I am tempted to use my first incarnation of a design. There it is. It works. I already have it. It is done. Changing it means more work, more time, and a second review process. It often takes me a weekend… Read the rest »

Almost There

Is there such a thing as the uncanny valley for all things? What is it called? When a design or idea approaches a point where it is almost perfect, or almost where it needs to be, the problems that once were hidden by ineptitude now seem to be glaring and acute. Previously, there was no… Read the rest »

Facebook, Come On with the Privacy

Facebook now autosuggests that friends Tag you in photos based on facial recognition. Sketchy. Duck that camera when you have a beer in your hand. Now it isn’t just your boss that could find it… Facebook already knows it is you! From Lifehacker: Head your Privacy Settings and click on Customize Settings. Scroll down to the… Read the rest »


InnovationnounThe action or process of innovating.• a new method, idea, product, etc. This menu bar is from   The action of creating new things has become a topic for the mainstream. This says great things about our culture. It is, after all, what humans do best. We innovate, adapt, and create. We create tools to help us… Read the rest »

Driving is not a chore

North GA has some amazing roads for sport driving. I am looking forward to getting back up there before it gets incredibly hot here this summer.   From Dahlonega to Clayton   The Tail of the Dragon, starting in Deal’s Gap, NC.