Have you become a Digital Dependant?

When you depend on something so entirely that your life would be drastically different without it, do you tend to ignore the fact you depend on it? Take fuel as an example. It wasn’t until the recent (in terms of years) gas price increase that the average Joe realized how dependant he was on a… Read the rest »

Site Redesign

Just in case you didn’t notice, I changed the way that my site looks. The other one was good, but this is much cleaner, and I like the fact that I drew all of the elements myself. The idea behind the redesign was to get rid of all extra junk I felt was detracting from… Read the rest »

Facebook’s New Profile

Seen the new profiles on Facebook yet? I didn’t think so. They will be rolling out the week of July 14th and they change a lot of things that have become comfortable to users. Links to sections or "Boxes" will be at the top of the screen now and will be organized for easy access…. Read the rest »

Why Google AdSense and I don’t get along

I have several forms of advertising on this site, all aimed at bringing in a little bit of money. Most of them do. Through various different affiliate programs and other ad setups, I have earned almost $2000 from online advertising since I started advertising on my blog. Not much in the long run, but it… Read the rest »

Farr Associates

I have just finished making the new Farr Associates site live. It is a project I have been working on for the past two weeks or so that I have been hanging around Atlanta. Still have a few tweaks to work out, but I am proud of it, and it helps with some greatly needed… Read the rest »

Useful Travel Sites

I was writing an update for a facebook group I am part of called “We Met While Traveling” and decided to post it here as well. [The Couch Surfing Project] http://www.couchsurfing.com I have been a member of Couchsurfing.com for a while now, and will actually be joining the team in Alaska to help rework the… Read the rest »