Posts By: Ben

A train ride of reflection

WARNING: Written on a five hour train ride. Just thinking out loud cause I have nothing else to do. It is amazing how spending two nights in one location can make life easy. You can leave your bag in the room and not have to pack it out with you, and you get to know… Read the rest »

Back from the Park

The one advantage to having my internal clock still be set a few hours early is that waking up to hike at 6:30 a.m. is not a problem. By eight Claude and I had already gone a few kilometers and were well on our way to the first big rock of what would be a… Read the rest »

On the way to the Park

Yesterday was all about traveling and fighting jet lag. It was time for me to leave Nathan and Rachel’s place and head out on my own. Due to a combination of jet lag and the effects of the previous night, I wasnn’t feeling so great and really just wanted a place to go to sleep… Read the rest »

Out of Seoul

I left Seoul yesterday morning after saying goodbye to Nathan and Rachel. It was a little daunting to be starting out on my own with almost no understanding of the language, but so far I have managed to do alright. I made my way to Cheonchun, which is a town that is surrounded by lakes…. Read the rest »

Last Post from the USA

Everything is purchased, prepped, and (almost) packed. I still have to throw the last minute things together, but I am pretty much ready to go. My pack is pretty small, and should fit as a carry on. The picture is what it looks like, and it isn’t very big at all. Hard to belive that… Read the rest »

One day left

I spent my last weekend in the States camping and climbing with some old friends up in North Georgia. Brit and I went up on Friday night and got a campsite, then were met on Saturday by Will and Brooke at the mountain. Since we all arrived at different times, and none of us had… Read the rest »

Four Days and Counting

I have four days remaining in the USA for what could possibly be the next year and a half. That is an incredibly scary, exciting notion. On one hand, I know that I can come home if I want to, but that would be simply going back to what I have always known, and I… Read the rest »

Sold my car for a laptop

Kind Of. I finally sold my car on Friday, and the first thing i bought was a new laptop. I got an extremely cheap one, since I know that it probably will not survive long while I am traveling. Then I upgraded its ram so that is is respectable, and it has Vista (which I… Read the rest »