Staying with Robert

Robert is the guy I met in Bangkok a month ago, and we hit it off. He lives in Vientiane, and we met up last night. He has an extra room in his house, so I moved my stuff over there and will stay for about two nights. The total rent for his house, which… Read the rest »

Visas and the German

After going to the Cambodian Embassy twice yesterday, I decided to give up and let my guesthouse take care of my visa for me. So I woke up at 8:00am and gave them my passport, some money, and filled out a few forms. I should be able to pick it up today at 4:30pm. I… Read the rest »

Vangvieng to Vientiane

This is a long one, so click through to see the pictures and the rest of the post. It was time to leave Vangvieng , even though it was a fun place, it functions much like a black hole. You get there, and simply don’t leave. I made sure to get up early (7:00) so… Read the rest »

Gear Update

Thought I would go ahead and give a report on how things are holding up again. It has been about three months, and some things have worn out a little, others I have lost etc… So far I have lost: 1 pair of cotton boxers, my travel pillow, my quick dry towel. Not so bad…. Read the rest »

Hanging around

I spent the first day here tubing the river again, and then the second one on a Motorbike, exploring caves, lagoons, and rural Laos life. I have been here before, so this time I went in some different directions, following an irrigation ditch, going to a different cave, etc… This place has not changed much,… Read the rest »

I am in Vangviang

Back here for the second time, and I am staying in the same room I stayed in before, so it was kind of like a homecoming. I went back to Pizza Falconi, and they were really exited to see me, and gave me hugs so it was really like a homecoming. I will probably stay… Read the rest »

This could be long

So I don’t know when the last real update was… but, some things have happened since then. I have really started to like Laung Prabang. I have met some amazing people. I am ready to leave Laung Prabang. First day I spend being lazy (what is new, right?) and I justified it by saying I… Read the rest »

Map Update

So click on the map to get an interactive map, that will then allow you to see where I am by way of a nifty pushpin looking thing that will only show up after you click on the map. Yes. ok. This is a UNESCO World Heritage site, and pictures will be coming soon.

Slow Boatin’

The past few days have been a blur… I woke up early Friday morning and put my bag on for the short hike to the boat pier. I showed up at 9:30am for an 11:30am boat, and am so happy I did. The boat slowly began to fill up and get more and more crowded,… Read the rest »