I got so wrapped up in enjoying the trip that I couldn’t be bothered to keep writing while I was on it! After the stargazing, we made our way west towards Broken Hill. Broken Hill is far out on the edge of the outback, and took us two days of driving to get close. We… Read the rest »
Australia – Day 08
We left Gibraltar National park and made good time heading south west. Our eventual goal was Broken Hill, a town on the edge of the outback and about as far out as you can go in New South Wales without needing to stock up on extra fuel. We have been playing it by ear each… Read the rest »
Australia – Day 6, 7
Day 6 I left Mandie’s place around lunch time, and headed north to pick up Jason at the Gold Coast Airport. He was getting in late at 10:00pm and I really needed to hunker down and get some work done, so I got a hotel and spent the rest of the day finishing what I… Read the rest »
Australia – Day 04,05
It occurs to me that these posts are inaccurately named. I have actually been in Australia since August 9th. However, I was working the first week and have only started traveling around the country in a camper for these days. Day 4 We spent the day catching up and doing some work. It was good… Read the rest »
Australia – Day 03
Day 03 I woke up to my dad face timing me, forgetting about the time difference. It was 7:30am, so not too bad. The sun was coming up over the estuary, and I decided to stay awake and start breakfast. My go-to has been instant coffee, cereal and a banana. It keeps me going for… Read the rest »
Australia – Day 02
Day Two I was in no rush to leave Mungo National Park, and ended up hanging out long enough for the rangers to come by and collect the park fee. $14 AUD wasn’t a bad price to pay, but if I had been 15 min quicker, I would have gotten it for free. The main… Read the rest »
Australia – Day 01
First night in the camper in Australia! Left Sydney around noon/1:00 and drove a few hours north, taking the scenic “tourist routes” and just enjoying the first time being alone in almost a week. I stopped and did some food shopping and got gas before leaving the main roads and heading down a small coastal road to this small… Read the rest »