Right now two services are allowing you to sell your iPhone, but you don’t have to send it in until mid October, after the new iPhone is available. This saves you the worry of being without a phone, and still allows you to get a good price for your current phone before the new one comes out.
How to sell your iPhone, and keep it too
Check out these sites and see which one offers you a better deal to sell your iPhone. The going rate is around $200 for a 16gb iPhone 4s, and $340 for a 16gb iPhone 5.
Both sites allow you to lock in a price. Gazelle till October 15th, and NextWorth for 30 days from the time you lock it in.
The new iPhone is supposed to be announced on September 10th, so you should have plenty of time after you sell your iPhone to go grab your new phone, get it up to speed, then mail in your old one.
If you use these links, you will get 10% more for your phone!
These prices will be getting less the closer to the iPhone announcement date, so go ahead and lock in your sell price now!