My bill for Internet this month:
Simple – huh? Time warner is getting sued for their modem rental fees – maybe sonic is over stepping here a bit.
Fusion Broadband – Single Line – 39.95 39.95
Fusion Broadband Information – 0.00 0.00
Data $19.97 Voice $19.98
Voice Federal Subscriber Line Charge Fee 6.50 6.50
Voice Federal Universal Service Fund Fee 2.41 2.41
Voice California Lifeline Telephone Service 0.15 0.15
Voice California Deaf and Disabled Telecom 0.03 0.03
Program Surcharge
Voice California High Cost Fund-A Surcharge 0.05 0.05
Voice California High Cost Fund-B Surcharge 0.04 0.04
Voice California Teleconnect Fund Surcharge 0.01 0.01
Voice California Advanced Services Fund 0.02 0.02
Voice California 911 Emergency Surcharge 0.07 0.07
Voice Oakland Utility Users Tax 2.02 2.02
Fusion Phone Service 0.00 0.00
Voice California Public Utility Commission 0.02 0.02
User Fee
Voice FCC Interstate Telecom Service 0.05 0.05
Provider Fee
Property Tax Allotment Surcharge 0.10 0.10
Voice Regulatory Recovery Surcharge 0.38 0.38
Modem Equipment Rental Fee 6.50 6.50
Credit Prorate 2012-11-20 to 2012-11-01 for 0.09cr 0.09cr
Voice FCC Telecommunications Relay Service
Credit Prorate 2012-11-20 to 2012-11-01 for 0.23cr 0.23cr
Voice Regulatory Recovery Surcharge
Charge Prorate 2012-11-01 to 2012-11-20 for 0.24 0.24
Voice Regulatory Recovery Surcharge
Total: 58.22