The CouchSurfing Project meets the final part of the West Coast Bike Tour


As you may have noticed, the theme of this blog has changed. I am no longer bouncing around Asia, going to random locations at whim, seeing what I want to see when I want to see it. Alaska puts images of glaciers and mountains in my mind (even if the mountains pictured above are the Everest Range), so this look seems to go with it better. It is a little simpler, and just overall more enjoyable.

The content is going to change as well. This is going to evolve into the temporary outlet for my official position of Web Content Coordinator at the Alaska Collective. Hopefully I will be able to use this to show meaningful clips, information, and accomplishments from the collective in an interesting way.

I am currently at my parent’s house in Atlanta, preparing to go to Alaska on the 29th of May. I have decided to take my bike out with me to Alaska, and attempt to finish the west coast by bicycle. After I finish up with in August, I will head down to San Francisco and see what happens when I get there. I will once again be shipping the bike with REI, since there is now one in Anchorage.

This will be my hardest challenge yet. When I went from San Francisco to Los Angeles I was with Jason, my freshman year roommate. We were able to keep each other in good spirits, and it was great to have someone to share the experience with.  This time will be alone. Completely different trip.

Check out the blogs from the first trip here

On another note, I just finished hosting the first Couch Surfers to stay at my parent’s house, Kate and Brynn. We had a lazy weekend but got to see some of the city, then cooked out at a friend’s house. Good times.