I am currently in Wells, Nevada at a Motel 6. I recently drove from Oakland, CA to Hilton Head Island, South Carolina and am now on my way back. I used a lot off road trip apps!
- Total Distance: 5624 miles
- Time: 9 days of driving.
- West to East – Tui the dog, Mandy, and Myself.
- East to West, just Tui the dog and me.
Tui is quite the conversationalist, but I have still had plenty of time to play with road trip apps and find some that do an incredible job.
My Top road trip apps
Downcast is a great podcast app that does both audio and video podcasts. It makes them easy to find, and you can create podcast playlists. Say, a Moth, an American life, followed by an episode of Stuff to blow your mind, and then a Planet Money.
Road Ninja
Road Ninja is meant for road trips! It shows you what businesses are at the upcoming exits, and how far away you are from said exit. You can sort by Gas, food, sleep, coffee and many more.
Audio books. Good player UI and syncs with Kindle if you happen to have both the audio and ebook. Get a free book when you signup! (Coming soon — How to get a free ebook and half off Audible for 3 months)
Google Maps
Much better than the default Apple maps. Inline directions, updated interface, tons of useful information. Gets me from A to B.
Adobe Kuler
So much fun. Extracts colors from live video of photos and makes swatches.

New Mexico
The last one… Sorry mom… Netflix…
Sooo this one might not be legal, but I rigged up the iPhone to the edge of my mirror and had Netflix documentaries going for a little bit. They sounded great through the car stereo, and they were in my field of view without me having to focus on them. I could glance at the screen, see who was behind me and keep on going.
“But officer, I wasn’t texting…”