Tonight, my puppy did not pee on the floor at puppy class.
She can sit, lie down, stand, and sometimes, she will stay.
A week ago Mandy and I got a puppy. A 10 week old border collie something mix. We are not sure what else she is, but she is cute. She is also an unstoppable fountain of energy.
We thought we knew how much of a time commitment we were in for. We researched, we talked to friends, we spend a lot of time thinking about it. We had no idea how much of a time commitment we were in for. You just can’t know until you do it yourself.
Walking, playing, training, feeding, socializing, and puppy class. Reading about walking, playing, training, feeding, socializing, and puppy class. Worrying about if you are doing walking, playing, training, feeding, socializing, and puppy class correctly.
On our fourth night with the puppy, she was licking Mandy’s face, and nipped. We were at the ER getting stitches in Mandy’s lip until 2:30am. It is a mental and physical workout that tries patience and shows your mettle.
Today she is a 15 lb puppy that trips on her feet. In a year, she is going to be hurtling along trails, chasing bears, and starting campfires on demand.
You know what? I love it. It gets me out of my head, and gets me to focus on what is important. It also moves me towards a more active lifestyle.
Tonight, my puppy did not pee on the floor at puppy class. Victory.